Brandon Bornancin
#1 Best-Selling Author
Brandon Bornancin is the #1 best-selling author of 4 books, a serial salesperson (sold over $100M in sales), nine-figure entrepreneur, inventor of Seamless.AI, and motivational speaker who is obsessed with helping you maximize your success.
Over the past 10 years, Brandon has built a following of salespeople & entrepreneurs in the millions, he’s sold hundreds of thousands of his books, popularized the concept “Sales Lists”, and founded the software company Seamless.AI that helps over 500,000 salespeople maximize their sales…. all in just 4 years.
Brandon is on a mission to positively impact 1 billion and help the world connect to opportunity. He does “Whatever It Takes” to help you maximize your success and make over $1,000,000 in sales. When you win his SIX FIGURE CLUB AWARD or SEVEN FIGURE CLUB AWARD, he sends you your very own custom-built President’s Club Award worth over $1,000.